John Danaher once stated that “getting past those dangerous legs” was a major step in Passing the Guard. So let’s pick up where we left off a week ago with some technical principles to help understand what’s needed for good passing.
· Two main goals which cannot be ignored when passing are exposing the opponent’s hips to control them, or to expose their back
· Controlling the hips helps limit movement options normally available to our opponent
· Exposing the opponent’s back gives us the option to take it, or simply allows us to disguise our intentions since the opponent can’t see what we’re doing
· This concept will work against most Guards
· Focus on the opponent’s legs and hip to complete your pass
· The idea is to get the opponent’s legs/hip from one side of you to the other (i.e. Leg Drag)
· Then apply the remaining passing principles to finish
· Use this idea for extra security, but it should be applied constantly
· As a general rule, once you control the opponent’s hips, then control their legs (and vice- versa)
· Doing this also helps with preventing the opponent from Shrimping
· Use an Arm Weave between the opponent’s legs, or get an overhook on the near leg to also help prevent Shrimping
· It’s very common for an opponent to get their shin across your body to stop your pass or retain their Guard off of their back
· What are some ideas you can use in this situation?
o Use your arm to block their hip
o Grab their toes and push their foot towards their butt while using your other hand to push on their knee
o Use a body twist instead of a knee push to complete the pass
o Use your arm to hook their foot as you grab under their far thigh
o Use your lead shoulder to apply pressure into their chest
· Always replace your knee/arm next to their hip once the pass is complete
Learn. Drill. Roll. TRANSFORM!